I am ashamed to admit that during these turbulent and disquieting times, I have occasionally found myself ensnared in relatively insignificant, selfish anxieties. It is tempting to put blinders on right now; life seems overwhelming. It is hard to know what to say.
I do know this much: now is not the time to circle the wagons or bury our heads in the sand.
As communicators, we are in a unique position. We have the tools and insight necessary to strategically guide a movement. We can lend a voice to the unheard. We can bring the right people to the table. We can encourage productive dialogue. We can move the needle. We need only act.
If we choose to invest in a cause, we can author a better tomorrow.
I implore those of you who feel compelled to create change to pursue that impulse. Find a cause that moves you and contribute your time, treasure, or talent. Volunteer. Give blood. Listen. Contribute resources. Open a meaningful dialogue.
History does not wait for anyone and, without you, it may be written wrong.
“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi